Tuesday, September 20, 2011

High Flyers and Low Crawlers

Last Friday, Annabelle brought in three Monarch caterpillars for our class to observe! We are all very excited about this. We have been observing their growth and have been writing predictions about what might happen to them over the next few weeks. Here are some of our predictions.

A calpier shansh in to a butafly is a calpier and wen it shaeses it is a butafly fully a butafly and it will be free and flyaway and be free and it it is good to hve a caterpillar AND BE FREE!!!!! -Anna

Caterpillers have two lifes a caterpiller and a butterfly life. Monarchs are the only caterpillers that eat milkweed . Monarch look very diferant when it is a catapiller. - Alex

In a week or two the caterpillar will make a cacon and tarn into a monarch butterflte.-Annabelle

We are having Monarch butterflies. They are so cute.There going to be so so butiful.It is going to be so so so so so sooooooooooo fun. -Riley

I think the caterpillar will become butterfly.And we will have to lit them go.And then and then the other two caterpillas will become butterflys to.-Edwin

I think the catterpillers will get big and get in a cacoon then they will turn butterflys and they will lay eggs and then the life cycle will start over. -Camden

1 comment:

  1. Oh the joys of learning about nature especially if you are in the third grade! Hat off to you for making learning fun and engaging. Have a great school and hugs/high fives all your students.
